Gluten-free is more than a diet it's a Lifestyle!

Gluten-free LIFESTYLE                                                                                                              2008     All rights reserved.
Gluten-free LIFESTYLE

When someone with Celiac Disease ingests gluten, it triggers an inflammatory response
that results in damage to the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of
nutrients we all need. Decreased absorption can lead to many other illnesses.

Recent estimates suggest 1 in 133 people have the disease, it can be as high as 1 in 85.
If a person has a parent or sibling with Celiac Disease the rate can be as high as 1 in 22.
Celiac Disease is under-diagnosed because the symptoms can resemble many other

Symptoms (may include):
  • intestinal gas, bloating cramping
  • diarrhea and /or constipation
  • weight loss w/appetite, or weight gain
  • unexplained anemia, fatigue, lack of energy, unable to concentrate
  • multiple vitamin deficiencies (folate, B6, B12, iron, Calcium, vitamin D)
  • mouth sores
  • very dry skin
  • muscle wasting
  • muscle cramping
  • neuropathy (tingling in the legs and feet)
  • behavioral disturbances
  • depression, anxiety
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis (itchy, blistering skin condition)
  • dental enamel defects
  • bone or joint pain
  • osteoporosis
  • migraines
  • missed menstrual periods

Many Celiacs are lactose intolerant and suffer from other food sensitivities as well. Some
individuals with Celiac Disease don't have any symptoms at all.

Celiac Disease left untreated can lead to other diseases some life-threatening. Celiac.
com is a great source of information and has a list of diseases and disorders associated
with Celiac Disease. (such as: Crohns Disease, Colitis, Intestinal Lymphoma, bowel
cancer, Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, Multiple Sclerosis, Thyroid
Disease).  Approximately 10% of Type 1 Diabetics have Celiac Disease.

If you suspect you have Celiac Disease or are gluten intolerant see your doctor or a
Gastroenterologist about getting your blood tested. Do NOT start on the diet before
getting tested. Your doctor might also want to take a biopsy of your small intestine.

There is no cure for Celiac Disease. You will need to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet.
Once you have started the diet you will notice improvement in as little as a few weeks. It
could take anywhere from several months up to three years for complete healing of the
small intestine.

Again, see your doctor if you suspect you have Celiac Disease. I am not a doctor and
this site should not be used for medical diagnosis. This information has been gathered
by many sources. Information at is very detailed yet easy to understand.

Celiac Disease is not the only health disorder related to gluten sensitivity, it is just the
most well known. Many people are gluten intolerant. There are a variety of websites with
information on Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance. Many sites not only give a full
description and treatments but also the latest news and up-to-date statistics.